Strategic Consulting
With management experience from zero to hundreds of millions in revenue, we advise clients on raising funds, communicating with legal, financial and HR vendors, and building product teams. Think of us as your CTO/COO for hire. Despite having a technical focus, our team has held a wide range of roles over the past 30 plus years in the technology domain. With more than half that time in Silicon Valley startups, we’ve learned how to apply technology to solve business needs and problems; not spending on technology for its own sake. Whether its strategic planning, roadmap development, operational execution, we’re available to help. Due to the widely varying nature of such requests, contact us to discuss your needs.
Application Development
Whatever you want to build, we can design, develop and deploy it. We specialize in mobile and web application development, migration of legacy apps to cloud infrastructure and optimizing systems for security, performance and scale. Our technical team has over 60 combined years of professional experience working across a vast spectrum of technology from COBOL to Go. We emphasize making smart architecture choices that balance the time, money and scalability requirements of customers. As we develop your application, we love automating the deployment, testing and monitoring of the system so your budgets get focused on new product features and capabilities and not on basic IT tasks. From cross platform desktop, mobile and web development to large scale back end systems hosted across cloud based containers, we know how to make your vision a reality.
Web Starter Package
This package is ideal for small business owners wishing to establish their first online web presence. The goal is to easily and quickly deploy a single page web site using existing logo and marketing assets or even a Facebook page. The pricing includes setting up and providing clear guidance for keeping control of your domain name, deployment of a clear friendly single page web site, and the first year of hosting. This gives business owners a clear, accessible budget along with a path to expand the website on your own or with our help if it proves to be successful.
Web & Email Package
This package is ideal for small business owners wishing to expand their online presence and create digital infrastructure to help your business grow. Extending your web site and utilize corporate email to not only facilitate professional communication while opening up a wider range of email and web marketing to attract new customers. Pricing for this package includes setting up a new site and first year of hosting. Alternatively, if you have an existing site the setup funds will be applied to extending an existing web site with additional content and building blueprints for more advanced web features such as e-commerce or landing pages for email marketing campaigns. It also includes setup of a corporate email account using your company domain. Costs for the first year email and domain name hosting are also included